2016 Dallas Walk to End Alzheimer's
2016 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Dallas, TX
The last few years my family and I have participated in the Walk to End Alzheimers. My father in law acquired this horrible disease and passed away a few years ago. We honor him every year at the event and want to show our support for raising awareness and dollars for research for the cure.
It was hard on our family dealing with the symptoms and day to day operations. The Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Dallas helped us to understand and anticipate the worst of times to come. They offered support and classes so that the family could prepare themselves as much as possible for what was to come.
Walk to End ALZ - the Lawn at Reunion - Dallas, TX
This year the walk was at the Lawn at Reunion. It was a beautiful day and the speakers really hit home with the personal stories. It was an amazing sight to see the various groups of people young and old come out and show support. It was a constant reminder that Alzheimer’s disease affects so many people.
I had the pleasure of capturing images for the Greater Dallas Alzheimer’s Association. Here are a few keepers that were sent to them. I did lots of people watching and several people posed for pics. Maybe you find yours!