Backyard Photo Shoot - No Park Needed
Micaela is my behind the scenes photographer while Mattie assists.
Who needs a luxurious park when you have a backyard. We were able to get some cool shots of Angel and Laura's crew. They have a huge backyard with lots of space. We don't need much space but will gladly accept it when we can work with it. As usual we needed a couple minutes to setup our lights and check out some cool areas of the yards where we can create great photos without major background distractions. We don't always have the luxury of time and privacy but will definitely accept it as a bonus.
While waiting on the couple to get ready we had a few models that were available to help us get our lighting setup. So we didn't want to miss an opportunity to capture a few candids and posed shots if we could. Many of the candids were definitely keepers. I even had a chance to capture a few keepers of my daughter.
This little Angel was ready for his time in front of the camera.
My behind the scenes photographer
He was ready to show off his skills.
With a few warm up shots we were up and ready. The backyard gave the kids less distractions and they were actually able to focus (a little) better with just "us".
What do you think?
The kids had their moments and we were happy to capture those shots!