My hope is to reach as many people as possible and provide imagery that will stand the test of time.

Queen of the Missions: Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo

Queen of the Missions: Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo

Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo

Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo

We go to San Antonio quite a bit. It’s affordable and close enough for us to drive down for a quick getaway. Recently my 9-5 required that I travel to San Antonio for a week and my wife came along so we could enjoy the city together. Our first stop was Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo.

Mission San José: The Rose Window

Mission San José: The Rose Window

This is one of our favorite missions because of how much is still preserved and still being used today. The stone work is beautiful and it is such a large complex. There is lots of history here and I do realize that this was a site where the Indians were required to convert to Catholicism, change everything about their life, and learn new languages and jobs. 

One thing you may notice in my images that are coming soon is that there are several shots of doors. Something about the wood and aging that made me want to capture these images.

All of these photos are mine and taken with a Sony a6300 APSC camera with the kit lens.

San Antonio Walk About

San Antonio Walk About

San Antonio Dreamin' on a Such a Summer's Day

San Antonio Dreamin' on a Such a Summer's Day